Interesting judicial disciplinary actions within the last few months…
- Scott Stuart, Santa Clara County: misdeed: Ex parte conversation with DA post-trial in a misdo about how she did a great job, the PD sucked, and how he intended to sentence the defendant before the hearing. MAJOR props to the DA who reported the incident to her supervisor and attempted to end the conversation. MAJOR props to her supervisor and Jeff Rosen for reporting it the PD’s office. I feel bad for the DA whose name is associated with this; what a brave attorney. Idiotically, Stuart’s defense was that it did not matter that he talked about sentencing with her because he had already made up his mind about sentencing–more misconduct considering they had not had the hearing. And, he had not yet been to the judicial training, but he has been an attorney for 20 years and told the DA “this conversation never happened.” YIKES. Sentence: transferred to small claims but now in family law.
- Joseph Bergeron, San Mateo County, Misdeed: sexism for asking female DA to bring him coffee, jerkism for throwing paper at a clerk after asking if she played basketball, and for talkin mess about a clerk loudly.
- Christopher Wilson, Humboldt, Misdeed: falsely affirming that no matters had been pending before him for more than 90 days so he could get paid.
- Valeriano Saucedo, Tulare, REMOVAL!, bizarre stalker esq behavior including, but not limited to, giving a clerk $26k and other gifts w/the excuse that he was “mentoring” her and this odd thing about writing an “anonymous” letter to her husband accusing her of having an affair with his bailiff, then using his judgy powers to intervene and save her from having the letter sent to her husband all to get her to have a”special friend” relationship with him…INTERESTING.
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